廣論手抄中英對照 005 | 第一會
第五卷.A面 Volume 5, Side A 大廟這個上座就給那個來請,希望邀請阿底峽尊者的那個西藏人說,他說:「你要曉得,我們印度是佛教的宗主國。」這話怎麼講呢?「就是佛在印度出生的,而且圓滿的教法都在這裡,所以它維持這個宗風是非常重要的。如果阿底峽尊者一走的話,我們那個印度的佛法就完了。」那個時候有這麼多了不起的大善知識,居然說阿底峽尊者一走的話,這個印度的佛法就完了!你想像,你可以想像阿底峽尊者何等了不起! The head monk of the grand temple said to the Tibetan who came to invite Atisha, “You must know that India is the sovereign country of Buddhism.” What does this mean? “It means that the Buddha was born in India, and the complete teachings are here, so maintaining this tradition is very important. If Atisha leaves, the Buddhism in India will be finished.” At that time, there were so many great and knowledgeable masters, yet they said that if Atisha left, the Buddhism in India would be finished! Can you imagine how extraordinary Atisha must have been? 在這一點我們想不通,這怎麼可能?譬如說,我們眼前一個廣欽老和尚,或者李老師,喔唷!很了不起,但是算算的確不如阿底峽尊者。然後歷史上面天台智者大師、慧思禪師,都是很了不起,居然一個人,像這樣的人留在這裡,沒有辦法把那個教法圓滿。所以你可以想像得到阿底峽尊者,在印度自利、利他方面的成就,這是所以為什麼人家尊他為「能仁第二」啊!所以這些詳細的不談,有一點我在這地方特別說一下,在第七頁上面,請翻到第七頁第四行,就是第七頁的第二段說: We find this ...